Customer Line
Sed ut Perspiciatis unde Omnis Iste Sed ut Pers piciatis unde Omnis Iste
The division encompasses the offer for industrial and private customers. Our all-round expertise gives rise to an extensive range of customizable solutions, specifically developed to cover every type of need.
Important companies have found reliability and adaptability in CAGLIPLAST, which are indispensable when handling delicate materials. Our customers include several national leaders in the cleaning sector, who have chosen us as their supplier of bags for the collection and disposal of special waste, such as those from the health and chemical sector.
Sed ut Perspiciatis unde Omnis Iste Sed ut Pers piciatis unde Omnis Iste
La divisione racchiude l’offerta per le industrie e per clienti privati. Dalle nostre competenze a 360° nasce un esteso ventaglio di soluzioni personalizzabili, appositamente sviluppate per coprire ogni tipologia di necessità
CAGLIPLAST is an effective 'collaborator' for catering professionals and other suppliers of products and services, because with our proposals we know how to range from the proper disposal of processing waste to the transport of goods, and the freezing and storage of food.
For household waste, we have developed the RolSac and TopSac brands, available at independent retail shops and supermarkets. In addition, it is still possible to purchase the bags that CAGLIPLAST has specially created and customised with the specific directives of its Large-Scale Distribution and Large-Scale Organized Distribution partners, at their many sales outlets throughout the country.
360-Degree Competence
Only through a deep understanding of raw materials, production technologies, and environmental challenges can we shape a sustainable and innovative future for the plastic industry.